Medical data

Medical data has a particularly sensitive nature and should be specially protected so as not to violate your right to private life.

Since the day when we were born, hospitals, family doctors, public health authorities and insurance companies have collected and processed data concerning our health

Such data can include, for example, information about your medical test results, blood type, whether you are HIV-positive, reports on diagnoses, treatment and the types of illnesses which are common in your family. All of this provides a medical record that gives an insight into our health and wellbeing. 

Any personal information related to our health undoubtedly belongs to our private life. Medical data is a special category of your personal data, as it is considered particularly sensitive and should, therefore, be specially protected. 

About this section

In this section, you can learn about how your medical data should be handled so as not to violate your right to private life. 


Last updated 27/10/2024