The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson Office (in Lithuanian Lygių galimybių kontrolieriaus įstaiga) is a state institution responsible for safeguarding your equal rights and the principle of non-discrimination in Lithuania. The Ombudsperson is independent of the government, parliament and courts.

How can it help you?

Investigate cases of discrimination and harassment  

The Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson Office can investigate actions in the spheres of education, employment, provision of goods and services, or in advertisements. The Ombudsperson investigates discrimination complaint on the grounds of sex, race, ethnicity, citizenship, language, origin, social status, religion or beliefs, age, sexual orientation, disability. At the end of the investigation, the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson will issue a decision on whether there has been a violation of your rights or not and what should be done to prevent that. Read about the complaint procedure.

Help to prevent future violations of a similar kind against you or other persons

If the Equal Opportunities Ombuds person’s investigation reveals a problem in a law or the practice of state institutions, he/she can propose changes to them to prevent future violations.

Help you to understand your human rights and explain how better to defend them

If you are not sure if your human rights have been violated or whether the Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson can investigate your case, you can email ( or call (+370 520 50640) the Ombuds office before you make an application. The Ombudsperson can help you with various human rights related questions, but keep in mind that he/she cannot act as your lawyer, give unlimited free legal aid or represent you in court.


  • Investigating potential human rights violations
  • Suggesting changes in law to ensure human rights
  • Educating the public on human rights issues

More information and contacts
+370 520 50640

Office of the equal opportunities ombudsperson
S. Konarskio st. 35
LT-03123 Vilnius 

Last updated 04/07/2024