The State Food and Veterinary Service is an institution that carries out state food and veterinary control.
How can the institution help you?
Consumer reports
Consumers have the right to inform the Service if they become aware of a breach of food safety or veterinary legislation. You can report these violations:
- food safety and quality
- veterinary activities
- safety and quality of feed and veterinary medicinal products
- animal welfare
- outbreaks caused by food products
- quality and safety of drinking water supplied to the public
- suspected spreading of animal diseases
Reports can be made by filling in a form or calling 1879 (increased rates may apply), or +370 5 242 0108 (for international calls).
The consumer has the right to purchase adequate quality, safe food products or services, as well as to receive correct and comprehensive information in the national language about the products or services and the procedure for exercising or defending their rights. He has the right to the defence of violated rights and compensation for losses.
If the consumer has bought an unsafe food product or a food product of inappropriate quality and if an agreement cannot be reached with the seller, the consumer has the right to complain to the State Food and Veterinary Service.
Help you to understand
The priorities of the Service are business counselling, familiarisation with legal requirements, providing methodological assistance to facilitate the start of businesses, but also dealing with citizens' reports. General telephone advice on the services provided by the Service are available via 1879 or +370 5 242 0108.
- State food control
- State veterinary control
More information and contacts
+370 5 242 0108
State Food and Veterinary Service
Siesiku st. 19
LT-07170 Vilnius