The complaint is considered according to a certain procedure.

How is your application examined?

After the Inspector of Journalist Ethics receives your application, he/she will decide whether to commence the investigation procedure. If the Ombudsperson decides not to open it, he/she will explain the reasons for such a decision. In the case the complaint is beyond the competence of the Inspector of Journalist Ethics, you will be informed to which institution the complaint has to be lodged.

If the Inspector of Journalist Ethics decides to commence the investigation, he/she may request more information from you or the persons that you have complained about. If needed, he/she may also request information from other institutions or experts. Such information shall be provided within 10 days.

After the Inspector of Journalist Ethics has gathered all the information he/she needs for the examination of your case, he will issue a decision. In the decision, the Ombudsperson can either conclude that there has been a violation of the your rights, or decide that your rights have not been violated.

If the Ombudsperson has concluded that someone has violated your rights, he/she will inform the relevant entity about this decision. 

Read more about the effect of this decision.

How long will it take?

If you submit a complaint to the Inspector of Journalist Ethics, he/she will take a decision on whether to commence the investigation and inform you about the decision within 5 working days.  

If the Inspector of Journalist Ethics decides to commence the investigation, he/she must conclude it within 3 months of its opening. 

The Ombudsperson may extend the time-limit for the investigation of the case if your case is complex and he/she needs more information from the state institutions or private individuals for its examination. 

note The filing of an application with the Ombudsperson or the commencement of the investigation does not interfere with any other time limits you may have in the Lithuanian courts or government agencies. It also does not interfere with the time limits for filing your application to the European Court of Human Rights or other international human rights institutions.


Last updated 24/07/2024